Mugabekazi jeanette

Date of  Birth:  January 1, 1998

What is your favorite food?  Meat

What is your best subject?  English

Your least favorite subject?  French

What is your greatest challenge?  Being sick

How are you doing now?  I am doing better and feeling very good.

Are friends important to you?  Yes because they help me in my personal problems.

What do you think about heroes?  To defend life and country.

Who are your heroes?  Jesus and my parents

What do you like to do for fun?  I like to watch TV and play football. I like to study and pray to God.

What section do you want to do if you pass your national 3 exams?  I had always wanted to be a doctor since primary school. But my grades are not well in that area, so I would like to do Hotel/Tourism.

What would you like to say to Global Capacity and what their scholarship means to you?  Global Capacity helped to support me in many problems in my daily life at school and in the community. They advised me of many things which are important to my life. They gave me all things I need for school, notebooks, pens, book bag, sports uniform, uniforms, transport to get to school. I thank Global Capacity for all it has put into me. When I had difficulties of mistakes I made. My family could not help, but Global Capacity did. May the Lord continue to be with Global Capacity for what they did. Thank you very much.

Are you excited about finding out you passed your national exams?  Yes very much. I tried hard.

What does that mean to you?  I can continue to study traditional school and work hard for my diploma.

Will you board or do day scholar?  Boarding so I can concentrate on my studies.